Monday, November 04, 2013


Labels have been sent!

Here is the link.  I will be editing the link out of this post by Wednesday.

Please make sure your address is correct.  I've already had a couple frantic emails stating their address was incorrect.  I copy/pasted 98% of the label addresses directly from registration emails, so hopefully all is well.

If you downloaded your labels earlier today, could you take a second or two to double check if all is the same.  Changes I have made are in bold.

Hopefully you all have already created your postcards and are simply waiting to put the address labels on and will get them in the mail this week.  It'd be great if we all were able to receive the cards before Thanksgiving break (or sooner!)

I'm grateful for some of the sweet notes of encouragement.  This first quarter has, indeed, been a Murphy's Law quarter for me!  

Let me know if you have any questions.


Sunday, November 03, 2013

Truth Can Be Stranger Than Fiction

Truth can be strange than fiction.  Here's proof:
I swear I'm not making this stuff up.  The Internet at school was down for several days and finally fixed Tuesday - the. day. I came down with the FLU! 

Between my iPhone and the google docs app i just downloaded on my iPad I *HOPE* to be able to finish the last 10 labels and get the google links to you today between naps and trips to the (ahem).