LOADS of Links!

http://sf.factmonster.com/states.html - Fact Monstor (loads of information on each of the states!)

http://worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/namerica/us.htm - World Atlas.com 

http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/Games/GeographyGames  - National Geographic Geography Games for Kids

http://www.kidzone.ws/geography/usa/ - Printable Pages (state symbols, etc!)

http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/top_teaching/2010/03/region-tour - Beth Newingham Region Tour Classroom Project (links and ideas)

http://www.mrsjonesroom.com/songs/50states.html - Songs and Activities

http://msjacoby.com/fiftynifty.html - Mrs. Jacoby's Nifty Fifty Class Theme (LOTS of great links!)

http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games.htm  - interactive games about the USA (great for the whole class!)

http://www.gale.com/DiscoverAmerica/guides/ - lesson ideas

http://www.postcardsfrom.com/t1/arcin.html - Web Traveler's postcards from each of the states (great for  filling in the blanks on the state's not represented in your group!

http://www.kimskorner4teachertalk.com/classmanagement/pcexchangeideas.html - Kim's Korner postcard exchange project ideas

http://www.50states.com -  Great Research resource!

http://www.eduplace.com/ss/maps/usa.html - state and regional map printables

http://www.statesymbolsusa.org/index.html - state symbols

http://www.maps.com/FunFacts.aspx - interactive games

http://www.lizardpoint.com/fun/geoquiz/usaquiz.html - The USA Quiz

http://www.americanfolklore.net/ss.html - folklore, tall tales and legends from all 50 states

http://www.cyber-kitchen.com/ubbs/archive/staterecipes.html - recipes!

http://c2.com/~ward/plates/table.cgi?width=100,columns=6 - license plates

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